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Spinning Babies ®

Doula Heide offers pregnancy training from Spinning Babies®, an easy to adopt approach to normal childbirth, which highlights the role of baby's space in your pelvis. So let's make room for the baby! 

 She is the first person in Norway certified as a Spinning Babies ® Parent Educator and helps parents support their own birth process.

What is Spinning Babies ®?

Balance - movement - gravity

Spinning Babies ® is an approach to childbirth that focuses on how the baby is positioned through the birthing process. It is not about turning your baby, but about the natural rotation of your baby during their birth, and your active role as the mother. Spinning Babies ® gives you the tools to balance out lifestyle changes and their effect on your body with easy, do at-home tricks to optimise your child's position. 


You´ll get a 3-hour session, where you’ll become familiar with simple exercises and everyday adjustments that will not only make your pregnancy easier but help your baby optimise their way through childbirth! Heide recommends starting around week 30.

​If you do not live in the Trondheim region, Heide recommends a romantic hotel weekend in Trondheim, with the birth preparation you desire.


The Spinning Babies ® Parent Class is specifically designed to teach parents how to know what position their baby is in, the optimal way a baby needs to travel through the pelvis, and how you as the parent can help your baby come through easier.

 A good part of the course is also about raising awareness and adjusting your modern habits and postures, from how you sit, work or drive. 

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Image by Kelly Sikkema

Why choosing Spinning Babies ®?

As an experienced doula, Heide is pleased to meet mothers and families that plan and prepare for their role as parents. With Spinning Babies ®, Heide has finally found the tools every parent can use to get an easy and enjoyable birth. 

This is not another regular childbirth class. Spinning Babies ® Parent Class shows you what you can do to increase your chances for an easier birth. You will learn a lot about yourself, your body, and which techniques you need to work with when giving birth to give balance to your body, as well as the movements that help you to open up. Many of the exercises are easy to integrate into your every day and you can do them on your own, whilst others might require the help of your partner, companion or doula.

This class is an amazing addition to the prenatal classes you have previously learned with your midwife or doctor and will help you to balance and prepare your body for birth, to invite your baby's position for an easier, shorter birth. 

Trondheim, Norway – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston –


Where dilation stalls, rotation solves! Spinning Babies® reduces unnecessary caesareans with a paradigm-shifting approach to physiological birth. Spinning Babies® goes beyond fetal positioning with our contribution to addressing all labor progress issues. Revolutionize your practice!

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